Agrati University: a journey that began 15 years ago.

We report the article by Gianluca Bella, Group HR Director, who tells us about the evolution of our Academy. 👇🏻

Agrati University celebrates 15 years!

“We do not find production operators, technicians and engineers trained on our products and processes.”
“Schools are not training young people on our technology.” These sound like modern-day statements, but that was what colleagues commented in 2007/2008…..history repeats itself.

Let us therefore take a step back.
Fifteen years ago, we realized that the labor market lacked the necessary skills; on the other hand, we had these skills internally distributed in the professional background of many colleagues.
In addition, we had realized that, contrary to other realities, in Agrati who held knowledge were willing to share it with younger colleagues, fueling a powerful virtuous circle.

This is where the journey started; this is where Agrati decided to lay the foundation for what would later become our corporate Academy over the years.

Fifteen years have passed, and the journey continues. We have trained thousands of colleagues, delivered hundreds of training sessions a year, dedicated and invested in training areas and machines, thanks to the contributions of our valuable lecturers.

Today Agrati University consists of four pillars:

  • Employees: courses delivered by internal trainers and dedicated to all staff, with a view to growth and development.
  • Schools: courses delivered by in-house trainers declined on a target audience of high school and college students, with a view to Talent Attraction, Employer Branding, and especially partnerships with area technical schools and universities.
  • Customers: technical workshops delivered for customers, with a view to relationship consolidation and service quality.
  • Suppliers: technical workshops dedicated to suppliers with a view to development and growth based on Agrati core standards and competencies.

Internal training offerings count more than 60 catalogue courses spread over nine thematic areas in various plants, about 50 internal trainers belonging to the Group’s offices.

What were the determinants of these results?

  • The passion, helpfulness and professionalism that have guided our trainers over the years.
  • Management commitment that ensured investment and long-term continuity.
  • Teamwork, between HR and colleagues in different business functions.

So, what does the future of our journey hold for us?

Old challenges: there is a lack of resources and those in place do not always have the right skills.
New challenges: how to manage new generations, how to deal with competition, what impacts of business changes on our resources.

Certainly, between old and new challenges, we share the same commitment over the years and also the availability of new resources. The future is the Agrati Campus.

Thank you all for what we did and have a good journey.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”